Your privacy is important to Arctic Economic Council (“AEC”) so we’ve developed a privacy policy that provides information you are entitled to when your personal data is collected, including how AEC collect, use, disclose, transfer and store your personal data. AEC is subject to Norwegian law, and will process your personal data in accordance with applicable personal data regulations.

1. Data controller for your personal data

The data controller decides the purposes for and the means by which personal data is processed. For the purpose of this privacy policy, AEC is the data controller for the personal data provided by you or collected by us.

Contact information for the data controller:

Address: c/ NHO Arktis, Pb 448 Sentrum, 9255 Tromsø
Contact: +47 917 29 006

2. The personal data AEC collects from you

Personal data is information that can be used to identify a single person. The personal information AEC may collect and hold about you includes:

  1. Contact information, such as names and address, telephone numbers and email address;
  2. Business details, including the names of relevant office holders of a company and business numbers

3. Cookies

AEC may use “cookies” and other information gathering methods. These technologies help us understand the user’s behaviour and optimize AEC website. In order to detect and delete cookies, you can change the settings in your browser. The “Help” function of your browser can help you configure your browser to prevent cookies or delete existing cookies. You can also learn how to block all new cookies on your browser and which configuration steps are required to receive a notification about new
cookies. However, please note that if you choose not to accept cookies, your access to certain functionality on the website may be restricted.

4.How is your personal data collected?

Personal data may be collected in a number of ways, including:

  1. Directly by AEC Secretariat staff or AEC members when establishing a business relationship or through operational dealing;
  2. From a source of publicly available information (e.g. websites);
  3. From an employer (e.g. where a supplier or contractor provides personal data about their employees).

AEC Members inform us of their relevant contact persons when applying for membership, or whenever that contact information changes. This contact information is maintained by the AEC Secretariat.

5. How we use your personal data

AEC will use personal data you have provided or that AEC collects for the
following purposes:

  1. To communicate AEC relevant activities, news, information and events
  2. To process memberships fee payments for AEC members

6. AEC legal basis’ for processing your personal data

In order to process your personal data, AEC requires your consent or other legal basis. Consent can be given upon request from AEC. You can withdraw your consent at any time by contacting AEC (see our contact information in clause 1). Other legal basis for processing your personal data can be such processing that is necessary to comply with applicable rules and regulations to which AEC is subject, e.g. statutory rules related to storage for accounting purposes.

7. Transfer of personal data to third parties

AEC does not share personal data with third parties outside the AEC network, or third-party service providers, unless you are informed about this and we have a legal basis for sharing the personal data.

8. Protection of your personal data

AEC takes the privacy rights of our users seriously and have taken reasonable steps to protect the user’s privacy, including physical, technical and organisational measures, to prevent loss, alterations, theft and unauthorized access to information stored and otherwise processed by AEC.

Personal data maintained by AEC is accessible only to designated staff in the organization. The data is accessible only with individual passwordprotected accounts.

9. For how long do we keep your personal data?

Your personal data will not be stored for a longer period than necessary for the purpose it is being processed for. As a main rule, personal data is stored for the length of an AEC member’s membership term.

Some personal data may be stored for a longer period when it is permitted or required under applicable statutory law, such as requirements for retention of certain types of documentation pursuant to the Norwegian Accounting Act.

10. Your rights

You have a number of rights over how your personal data is processed, and you can exercise these rights at any point by contacting AEC (see our contact information in clause 1).

These rights includes the right to:
  1. Get information about what personal data AEC has registered on you;
  2. Change or update the stored data and correct any errors in that data;
  3. Request that unnecessary data is erased;
  4. Stop receiving emails from us, such as newsletters and similar;
  5. Require a restriction of certain processing;
  6. Object to certain processing;
  7. Request information about your right to data portability, i.e. your right to obtain, reuse and transfer personal data provided to AEC.

If you believe that our processing of your personal data infringes relevant data protection regulations, you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority of your habitual residence, place of work or place of the alleged infringement, or other relevant supervisory authority.

In Norway, this is Datatilsynet.

11. Modifications to the privacy policy

AEC reserves the right to modify this privacy policy from time to time. The most recent revision shall supersede any earlier versions. The current version of the privacy policy will be available at our website at all times.

AEC will notify the user of any changes to the privacy policy that will require your consent. By using AEC services, you accept electronic information about and publication of this privacy policy on our website, and you consent to that electronic information about and publication of revised versions of this privacy policy on the website is valid as a notification to you.