The AEC congratulates the Arctic Council on receiving the 2019 Global Award of the International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA). The award is handed out annually and recognizes individuals or institutions that have emerged as leaders in environmental assessments.

The IAIA Award Committee honours the Arctic Council’s promotion of sustainable development and environmental protection and emphasizes the Finnish Chairmanship’s proposal for an Arctic Environmental Impact Assessment tool (Arctic EIA).

The Arctic EIA project works under the Arctic Councils Sustainable Development Working Group, SDWG. The project aims at creating good practice recommendations for Environmental Impact Assessment and public participation in the Arctic as well as a network of Arctic EIA actors. Ms. Kjerstin Skeidsvoll Lange is representing the Arctic Economic Council in the editorial team for the Arctic Council’s EIA project.

“I think the good practice recommendations gives us a common platform for operating in a sustainable way, working together – not only to be used in the Arctic, but the whole world. I wish to thank the AEC members for all the support, guidance and providing good cases that could be shared in this project. We did this together” says Ms. Kjerstin Skeidsvoll Lange

By awarding the Arctic Council, the 2019 IAIA Awards Committee honours the intergovernmental forum’s efforts to promote cooperation and coordination on sustainable development and environmental protection issues in the Arctic. “The Committee commends the Finnish Chairmanship for its emphasis on the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change and the UN Sustainable Development Goals, as well as its proposal for an Arctic specific environmental impact assessment tool integrating public participation”, states Miguel Coutinho, Chair of IAIA’s 2019 Awards Committee.

Ms. Kjerstin Skeidsvoll Lange adds that “this was a unique cooperation based on mutual respect and on a common belief that a Sustainable approach in the Arctic is the only way forward. I hope that this prize signals that cooperation can be achieved by dialogue. My hope is that these guidelines contribute to a better and more sustainable Arctic, cooperating to create win-win solutions for all actors in the region. This shows that Common guidelines can be achieved, when we spend time together addressing complex issues in a respectful way”.

The award will the handed out at IAIA’s annual conference, in Brisbane shortly before the Arctic Council Ministerial meeting in May, which concludes the Finnish Chairmanship.  Previous recipients include the Danish Institute of Human Rights, Prof. John Ruggie, C.S. “Buzz” Holling, and The World Bank.

To read the pressrelease from the Arctic Council please go to