Building the Bridge between Arctic Research/Academia and Business through Technology
At the 2016 Arctic Science Ministerial the Arctic Economic Council held a side-event, hosted by the Finnish Embassy in Washington D.C. The topis of the event was «Building the Bridge Between Arctic Research/Acadamia and Business Through Technology”. A panel of representatives from both private business and public research institutions explored value propositions for public-private parnerships for for effectice pan-Arctic knowledge and data exchange.
Before a full room of participants, the panel adressed challenges and innovative tools for building the knowledge bridge between research and business communities.
The program included:
Opening: H.E. Ms. Kirsti Kauppi, Ambassador of Finland
Moderator: AEC chair Ms.Tara Sweeney.
Mr. Richard Glenn, EVP, Lands and Natural Resources. Arctic Slope Regional Corporation.
Mr. Bryan Hartin, EVP, Sales and Marketing. Iridium.
Mr. Kalpak S. Gude, Vice President, Legal Regulatory. OneWeb.
Ms. Helen Brohl, Executive Director, U.S Committee on the Marine Transportation System .
Dr. Jeremy Mathis, Director, Arctic Research Program. NOAA.
Dr. Andrea Tilche, Head of the Climate Action and Earth Observation Unit, Directorate General for Research and Innovation. European Commission.
Ms. Elizabeth Rojas Levi, Director of Government Relations, Americas. Nokia Corporation.
Dr. Christoph Aeppli. Senior Research Scientist Director, Center for Venture Research on the Opening Arctic Ocean. Bigelow Laboratory for Ocean Sciences’ Arctic Center for Venture Research.
Closing remarks: Ambassador (ret) Mark Brzenzinski, Executive Director. U.S Government’s Arctic Steering Committee (AESC).