The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark announces this tender in order to attract tenders for consultancy services in connection with the project:

Getting Started: Ensuring financing for start-up, micro-, small- and medium-sized companies across the Arctic region.

The assignment is to provide a mapping of existing national and international financing facilities in the Arctic region – and, based on in-depth analysis, present a number of recommendations focusing on business financing. The assignment covers the following countries: USA, Canada, Russia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and the Kingdom of Denmark.

The Getting Started project is initiated as an integrated part of the Danish Government Foreign
and Security Policy Strategy 2017-2018 and the Kingdom of Denmark’s Arctic Policy 2011-
2020. The project will be carried out in close cooperation with the Government of Greenland
and the Government of the Faroe Islands. The Arctic Economic Council (AEC) will be involved in
the project implementation as project expert partner.

The project will build upon – and further elaborate – the knowledge base launched by the Nordic
Council of Ministers (NCM) and the AEC in January 2018 in four comprehensive sectoral reports
under the common headline Arctic Business Analysis. More information about the Arctic Business Analysis can be found here. 


The tender must be submitted on 23 May 2018, at 1:00 pm at the latest. Tenders received after this date and time will not be considered.

For more information and tender see: