As part of the Institute of the North’s Week of the Arctic, they are proud to present an economic development summit focused on responsible mining in the Arctic region. Convened in cooperation with the Alaska/US Arctic Economic Council, and local partner NANA, this is a unique opportunity to better understand the U.S. Arctic, local priorities and perspectives, and circumpolar best practices. The summit will be held in April 30 – May 2, 2018 Kotzebue, Alaska.

The content from the Summit will contribute to the Arctic Economic Council’s Responsible Development Working Group report on mining. The report features critical themes for responsible development related to:
• Human Capacity
• Built Infrastructure
• Regulatory and Governance
• Financial

The draft program of the summit is available here.

The Summit will provide an opportunity for participants to review and provide additional commentary on this report. The report serves as a beginning for broader pan-Arctic dialogue. Local and regional stakeholders will add their own input and the context within which this circumpolar effort can be applied. Together, the group will develop additional insight by tackling important challenges, including:
• Managing environmental, social, cultural and economic risk
• Ensuring benefits accrue to local and regional governments, companies and investors
• Development of partnerships between land and resource owners, companies and communities
• Mobilization and leveraging of investment
• Supportive infrastructure and business development opportunities
• International cooperation

Attendees will include international business partners, high-level government officials, investors, community and indigenous leaders, and other subject matter experts from across Alaska, the U.S. and Arctic. We expect limited capacity in this small northern community, so register soon to ensure your ability to participate. The event is by invitation only. Send registration interest to

For more information on the event and how to engage, see here.