Celebrating International Women’s Day with a spotlight on female entrepreneurship in Northern Norway!  According to Statistics Norway, women paved the way by establishing nearly 39% of new companies in Arctic Norway region in 2022, surpassing the national average.

At the Arctic Economic Council, we’re thrilled to contribute to this momentum through the GENGREEN project, supporting female entrepreneurs across Northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland.Earlier this year, we had the privilege of hosting 13 inspiring female entrepreneurs at the ICE Innovation Festival in Kirkenes, representing diverse industries and showcasing their incredible ventures.

From Nordvær’s captivating sailing charters to Sulacare’s innovative medical equipment, these women are redefining entrepreneurship.

Looking ahead, our vision with GENGREEN is ambitious yet exciting! Over the next three years, we aim to establish three cross-border Living Labs, providing essential resources and training in business management, sustainability, and innovation. Our collaboration transcends borders, uniting partners and universities across the Nordic region to empower green female entrepreneurship.

Special thanks to our partners and supporters, including UH Ruralia – Helsinki University, Into Seinäjoki, Centria University of Applied Sciences, Lapland University of Applied Sciences, Inari Municipality and Liiveri Development Association as well as the ICE Kirkenes innovation hub and Luleå University of Technology.

GENGREEN’s journey is made possible through funding from Interreg Aurora EU and Troms og Finnmark County Municipality Interreg Norway. Together, we’re forging a path towards a more sustainable and inclusive future.  Let’s continue building, innovating, and celebrating the remarkable achievements of women in business!

Participants of the GENGREEN workshop, Ice Innovation Festival, Kirkenes 2024
Participants of the GENGREEN workshop, Ice Innovation Festival, Kirkenes 2024