The Arctic Economic Council will contribute in several events during the Arctic Frontiers conference in Tromsø next week.

Chair of the AEC, Mr. Tero Vauraste, is one of the speakers in the high-level policy session “State of the Arctic – Connecting the Many ‘Arctics’.” The session, moderated by Stephen Sackur, also includes the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Norway, Ms. Ine Eriksen Søreide, and Mr. Mikael Damberg, Minister for Enterprise and Innovation of Sweden.

The aim of this discussion is among other things to discuss whether the necessary financial mechanisms are in place to ensure that industry and infrastructure are developed and that economic gains are fairly distributed. The participants will also discuss how the different Arctic regions can be better connected through communication, competence transfer and exchange. They will also debate innovative approaches to social development.

The high-level policy session takes place on Monday, January 22nd at 09.00 AM at Clarion Hotel the Edge. (See full program ).

Later the same day Mr. Vauraste will participate in the side event titled “Project Development – Managing Local Expectations early”. The event is hosted by ARCT AS. (See full program).

Together with the Nordic Council of Ministers, the AEC will host a side event on Tuesday January 23rd
at 10.30 at Radisson Blu Hotel. The Nordic Council of Ministers (NCM) – in close cooperation with the Arctic Economic Council (AEC) – has financed an “Arctic Business Analysis” with the aim of qualifying the current knowledge on the business environment in the Arctic. The analysis will be made public for the first time at the side event. The side event will present and highlight the key findings of the Arctic Business Analysis. This will form the backdrop for discussions in a business panel. Mr. AEC Vice Chair Erling Kvadsheim and AEC Secretariat Director Anu Fredrikson will all speak at the event. For more information see here. 

Later the same day, Ms. Fredrikson, Director of the AEC Secretariat, will discuss investments in the Arctic  in the Arctic Frontiers Business conference session titled “Financing the Arctic – is the Arctic investable?” The session is moderated by Liv Monica Stubholdt and takes place at Clarion Hotel The Edge. More information on the session can be found here. 

Ms. Fredrikson will also speak at an Arctic Frontiers Arena event on Smart Arctic. This session will discuss how the Arctic know-how can be used to the region’s advantage in order to develop Arctic smart city solutions.

Thursday January 25th, Senior Advisor at the AEC Secretariat, Bianca Maria Johansen will be part of the panel in the side event “Arctic societies in times of climate change; How can technology development and cooperation create resilient Arctic societies? Can the engineers and technologists save the arctic.” The side event is hosted by NITO – The Norwegian Society of Engineers and Technologists and takes place at Radisson Blu Hotel. For more information see here. 

Arctic Frontiers is an annual conference that takes place in Tromsø, Norway. The theme for this year’s conference is “Connecting the Arctic.” For more information and registration, please see