AEC Report on Maritime Transportation Translated to Korean
In May 2019, the AEC Working Group on Maritime Transportation launched its first report “The State of Maritime Transportation in the Arctic”. This report has now been translated in Korean language. The report is generously translated by the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI) Northern & Polar Regions Research Department. The AEC would like to thank the Korea Maritime Institute for the work they have done.
The 2019 report discusses the state of shipping operations in the Arctic and outlines the growth in operations resulting from new shipping routes and natural resources exploitation projects. The report also provides an outline of the national regulations and the shipping infrastructure development needs and opportunities in selected Arctic countries.
In its report, the AEC Maritime Transportation Working Group discusses the need to create stable and predictable regulatory frameworks and the need to harmonize current ice class rulings. Safety is a priority for Arctic operators. Therefore the AEC report also discusses the need to safeguard the continuation of good technological development by making it compulsory for operators to report ice incidents and damage to the authorities in the next phase of the IMO Polar Code.
The Korean translation of the report: AEC_Maritime_Transportation_WG_Report(Korean).