AEC put blue economy on the agenda at Arctic Frontiers
The Arctic blue economy can help save the world – that was one of the conclusions at an expert workshop held during Arctic Frontiers 2022 in Tromsø, Norway. Here leading decision-makers from all over the Arctic gathered to discuss the Arctic finance, development and collaboration.
The Arctic Economic Council, Troms and Finnmark County Council, Biotech North and PolArctic hosted a blue economy workshop that ended with valuable inputs to the way forward for companies in the north.
The workshop was held as a side event at the Arctic Frontiers conference and the main focus was on a changing Arctic – with innovations in business operations and technology as significant factors to ensure that a sustainable blue economy can flourish.
– In May 2023, Norway will take over the leadership of the Arctic Council and the Arctic Economic Council (AEC). The ocean has already been designated as one of the main focus areas for the Norwegian chairmanship. In this workshop we focused on the blue economy of the future and gather input that we can take with us in the further work of promoting blue business development in the Arctic, says Mads Qvist Frederiksen, Executive Director of AEC.
Game changers for the blue economy of the future
During the interactive session the participants were asked “What would be the game changer for the blue economy of the future?” Sustainability, hydrogen and aquaculture was pointed out as the three main game changers. Resource, innovation and investments followed as key factors for a growing blue economy in the Arctic.
Kelp, kelp, kelp
The more than 35 experts from industry, public and finance institutions also brainstormed around possible solutions for the future of the blue economy of the Arctic. The ideas were many and great. One that stood out as measure to save a growing population was kelp. Marine infrastructure, aquaculture-agriculture integration, and smart ships and ports was also highlighted as important to ensure a sustainable blue economy in the Arctic.
The international crowd at the Norwegian event stated that the countries with the greatest potential in the blue economy are Norway, Canada and Iceland.
Photo: David Jensen