AEC Plenary on Connecting the Arctic: Data Cables as a Game Changer at Arctic Circle
One of the factors driving the Arctic’s future is global digitalization. As underlined in the AEC’s Telecommunication Infrastructure Working Group’s report “Arctic Broadband – Recommendations for an Interconnected Arctic”, the Arctic is a region with dispersed population, harsh climate and lower rates of broadband adoption than non-Arctic regions. Without access to affordable and stable broadband, the rural parts of the Arctic will be left behind of the development brought by digitalization. But if realized, plans for improved connectivity in or through the Arctic can be a gamechanger not just for the region, but also globally.
The Arctic has a geographic advantage: uniting three continents, it provides the shortest link for data cables, the trading routes of digital economy. One of the current major plans for improved connectivity in the Arctic is the Arctic Connect project. If realized, this project will unite Europe to Asia across the North East Passage.
AEC Chair Heidar Gudjonsson will moderate a plenary session at the Arctic Circle Assembly taking place this week in Reykjavik, Iceland on Connecting the Arctic: Data Cables as a Game Changer.
He will be joined by Jukka-Pekka Joensuu, Executive Advisor to Cinia and Dag-Kjetil Hansen is the CEO at Bredbåndsfylket Troms AS in Tromsø.
Arctic Connect is a subsea data cable route connecting Europe, Asia and North America through Eurasia and Arctic waters. The aim is to increase the data capacity between east and west and to connect continental Europe with a high-speed data network with cutting edge technology and increased ability for cyber secure communications.
Bredbåndsfylket Troms AS develops regional infrastructure and is the network operator in the region. Owned by the county of Troms and the municipalities. Bredbåndsfylket’s fiber optical network is the backbone carrier for the local broadband companies and national operators.
Join us on Friday, 11 October 2019 12:45-13:25 in Silfurberg, Harpa on the Second Level