AEC at the 8th Symposium on The Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations
The 8th Symposium on The Impacts of an Ice-Diminishing Arctic on Naval and Maritime Operations were arranged in Washington D.C. on July 17-18. This years theme was Maritime operations in the Arctic and how the operations in the Arctic continues to evolve. In part due to the ongoing reduction of sea ice that is attributed to warming (which is two to three times faster in the Arctic than in the rest of the world). The two-day symposium featured experts addressing Arctic marine operations, ocean and environmental issues, policy, law, and governance.
Several members from the AEC were engaged as speakers;
- Mr. Tero Vauraste, AEC Vice Chair and president of Mariadi Ltd,
- Ms. Leslie Canavera, CEO, PolArctic LLC,
- Gail R. Schubert, President and CEO, Bering Straits Native Corporation,
- Rex. A. Rock, President and CEO, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation
- Wayne Westlake, President and CEO, NANA Regional Corporation
- Elizabeth “Liz” Qaulluq Cravalho, Vice president of Lands, NANA Regional Corporation
Webcast from the event available here; https://ustream.tv/channel/20990348
For more information about the event please go to; https://www.wilsoncenter.org/event/8th-symposium-the-impacts-ice-diminishing-arctic-naval-and-maritime-operations