Seven years ago on 2nd September 2014  the founding meeting of the Arctic Economic Council took place in Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada. A year later the AEC HQ was opened by  Børge Brende, the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs at a time, Tara Sweeney, the first AEC Chair, in Tromsø, Norway.

Today AEC is the only international independent business organisation covering the Arctic region. Many of the founding members are still with us:

ATCO Group, Federation of Icelandic Industries, Confederation of Danish Industry, Danish Shipping Assoiciation, Norwegian Shipowners’​ Association, Norwegian Oil and Gas Association, Sofcomflot, LKAB, Crowley Solutions, Bering Straits Native Corporation, Arctic Athabaskan Council, The Aleut Corporation, Aleut International Association, Arctic Slope Regional Corporation and RAIPON.

Our current chairman Evgeny Ambrosov has been with the AEC since the establishment. We are proud that Lillian Hvatum-Brewster, Peter Bay Kirkegaard, Erling Kvadsheim, Lori Davey and Gail Anagick Schubert have been with  us since the beginning.

AEC advocates sustainable economic development in the Arctic. It AEC provides advice to the relevant policy-making stakeholders about business perspective on #sustainability. AEC facilitates a network for companies through its working groups and communicates to the public about the business opportunities in the Arctic.

In 2021 our most viewed posts on SoMe so far were devoted to EU’s Arctic Strategy and cooperation with Arctic Council. Video greetings from foreign ministers of the eight Arctic States for the AEC Annual Meeting reached over 5000 people.

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Greetings from the AEC HQ stuff members Mads Qvist Frederiksen, Irina Zhilina and Inger Johnsen.