4th PCRC International Symposium
Date: -
Time: 09:30 - 12:00
Link to event/ticket information: https://arcticeconomiccouncil.com/events/kobe-polar-cooperation-research-centre-pcrc-4th-arctic-legal-order-symposium/
Polar Cooperation Research Centre (PCRC), Kobe University hosts its 4th PCRC International Symposium which will provide a cutting-edge forum for academic discussion on the role of international law in achieving sustainability in Arctic resource development, focusing on mineral resources.
Venue: Kobe University Rokkodai-dai 1st Campus, Japan
Session 3: Achieving Sustainability: Economic/Business Dimension (9:30-12:00)
Bruce Harland (Co-Chair of Responsible Resource Development WG, AEC)
“The Arctic Economic Council: A Resource for Business Development in the Arctic”
More information: PCRC official website http://www.research.kobe-u.ac.jp/gsics-pcrc/index.html