Date: -

Time: 04:15 - 05:45

Link to event/ticket information:

The Arctic is known for its resources extending from minerals, forestry, and different energy sources. In addition to natural resources, the Arctic offers great opportunities within e.g. maritime transportation, infrastructure development including digital connectivity, and tourism. Despite the rich resource base and increasing economic development potential, the 2018 Arctic Business Analysis reveals that the Arctic is perceived as an area with low economic and business development potential.

The aim of the side event Investing in the Arctic is to investigate this paradox. During the event, we aim at exploring good examples and methods to achieve responsible investments in the Arctic and elsewhere.

The AEC Working Group on Investments and Infrastructure will for the first time publicly discuss its work on responsible investments principles. This work is based on the Arctic Investment Protocol, originally a product of the World Economic Forum’s Global Agenda Council on the Arctic.  This event will also provide an opportunity for the broader public to give input to their work.

Questions to be addressed:

What factors are investors are looking at when making investment decisions, and how do these correspond to the Arctic? What is needed to make the Arctic an interesting area for investments? How can the Arctic stakeholders work to improve these conditions?Can this perceived bias pose a threat to the development of the Arctic? How do we best work for the strengthening of responsible investment principles for the Arctic?


Mr. Felix Tschudi, Chairman & Owner, Tschudi Group


Ms. Anna Hyrske, Head of Responsible Investments, Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Company

Mr. Tero Vauraste, Chair, Arctic Economic Council (AEC)

Mr. Tero Kiviniemi, Chair, AEC Investments and Infrastructure Working Group; CEO, Destia

Mr. Jan Moström, CEO, LKAB

Ms. Madeleine Redfern, Mayor of the city of Iqaluit, Canada.


Organized by the Arctic Frontiers and AEC

Date: Monday, January 21, 2019

Time: 16:15-18:00 (or 17:45)

Venue: Clarion hotel the Edge – Kjøpmannskontoret