Arctic Frontiers side session: Blue economy – a business quiz from Tromsø
During Arctic Frontiers, the Arctic Economic Council and Troms Fylkeskommune are teaming up for an epic collaboration. From a fishing boat straight to the chef’s kitchen, we will showcase local seafood companies and listen to their take on sustainable development in Northern Norway and the Arctic. Researchers will explain the impact of the blue economy on the local communities and offer a glimpse into the crystal ball of future export possibilities for the region. The Minister of Fisheries, Troms County Council leader and the Youth Council leader will talk about the future of the region, challenges, and opportunities for the blue economy in the North.
Date: 31.01.2024
Time: 18.00-19.30
Venue: The Edge, Room Margarinfabrikken, Tromsø
- Cecilie Myrseth, Minister of Fisheries and Ocean Policy
- Kristina Torbergsen, Troms County Council Leader
- Luna Drecker, Troms County Youth Council Leader
- Chef Espen Ramnestedt and Eva-Linda Ramnestedt, Restaurant SMAK
- Kai Isaksen, Ecofang
- Monica Mathiassen, Drytech
- Rein Marit, Sjømatfest
- Jack Robert Møller, Lyngen Reker
- Liv Margrethe Hansen, Halvors
- Per Thore Kraknes, Arctic Pioner, Polar Pioneer and Kvitungen
- Roy Robertsen, Audun Iversen, Nofima
- Husebekk Anne, Center for the Ocean and the Arctic
- Mads Qvist Frederiksen, Arctic Economic Council